• What to do when the world is full of bad news

    What to do when the world is full of bad news

    Is it me, or does everything just feel so bloody hard right now? The world is full of bad news, and life feels – well, depressing. Just as we begin slowly emerge from one crisis, then comes another to beat us back down again with another. If you are anything like me, this might be…

  • How to live through a permacrisis when it feels like the world has gone mad

    How to live through a permacrisis when it feels like the world has gone mad

    First there was Brexit, then there was the pandemic, and now Russia is pummelling Ukraine. If your levels of anxiety are creeping up again then you are most certainly forgiven. This morning after I dropped off my daughter at school, I had a conversation with a fellow school mum about the state of affairs and…

  • 4 common sexual concerns after 40 (and what we can do about them)

    4 common sexual concerns after 40 (and what we can do about them)

    As life starts to throw more challenges as we get older, whether it’s in terms of our health or just the sheer volume of tasks we need to complete every single day, the fact is that we’re not always in the mood for a bit of naughtiness, if at all! We can be very surprised…

  • The tell tale signs of a mid-life crisis

    The tell tale signs of a mid-life crisis

    What are the tell-tale signs of a mid-life crisis? This is a question that many people ask, especially those who are in the midst of a mid-life crisis. There is no one answer to this question, as the signs can vary from person to person. However, some general signs may indicate that you are experiencing…

  • Difficult mother? Here’s how to heal your mother wound

    Difficult mother? Here’s how to heal your mother wound

    It’s no secret that many of us have a difficult mother. The thing is – growing up with a difficult mother is not something you manage to just leave behind when you enter adulthood. It’s a burden you carry with you throughout your adult life. Whether you have a needy, co-dependent mother, a controlling mother,…

  • What is social prescribing and how can it help you?

    What is social prescribing and how can it help you?

    You may have recently heard the word social prescribing coming up in the news. From the use of the arts to help those struggling with mental health including the possibility of using comedians to help those with trauma. But what is social prescribing and how could it help you? Here, we get the full-down on…

  • The ultimate survival guide to 2022

    The ultimate survival guide to 2022

    New Year, same you? Don’t worry this is the only survival guide you’ll need. There’s no quick fix. There’s no wake up and magically be 10lbs lighter. We’ve got the expert advice to show you how you can softly, calmly and slowly emerge from the overindulgence of the past few weeks. You’ll be able to…

  • Fun with social media (when you’re not a teenager)

    Fun with social media (when you’re not a teenager)

    Some people can think of social media as something that’s for younger people. Even if you use some social media, you might feel like some apps are meant for young people while others are more suited to people over 30 or 40. Maybe you shy away from TikTok because it seems like it’s for teenagers…

  • Everything going wrong? How to bitch slap those clusterfuck days

    Everything going wrong? How to bitch slap those clusterfuck days

    Clusterfuck – otherwise known as a complex and utterly disordered and mismanaged situation, a muddled mess of everything going wrong, which lets face it, the last two years have been without a doubt. But that’s on the macro level. We can kind of handle that because everyone is going through the same clusterfuck of everything going…

  • The brain at 40 and how to sort yours out

    The brain at 40 and how to sort yours out

    Listen up people, today we’re talking the brain at 40. If you’ve been forgetting names, words, and generally feeling a bit all over the shop then there is a good reason why. Despite the fact that many of us think that our brains will become geriatric at 70, brain ageing actually starts at 40 –…

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